"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, it there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things." Phil 4:8

January 16, 2012

Notes of Encouragement and DaySpring: Part 1

One thing I love to do is send notes of encouragement.  It is one of my "spiritual" gifts that I found out about over 15 years ago at the church we were attending at the time.  I didn't even know that there was a way to find out what your gifts were.  After taking the class, all the things that came out as my top 3 were so true, and encouragement was number one.  

Now, have I used my gift to its full potential?...NO!

Have there been times that I have been moved to send a note and it hasn't happened?....(sadly YES)

Do I want to be more faithful at obeying the still small voice of the Lord when he prompts me?...YES!!!!!

However, my desire to obey my heavenly Father in this area is foremost because I Love Him and I want to do what He is calling me to do.  Secondly, I have heard testimonies from people of "how it came at just the right time", "it lifted their spirit", they were "blessed by the scripture", they "didn't feel alone".  So knowing these two very important things, how can I hide my gift?   

One way that will help me use this gift, is that I was given some beautiful cards from DaySpring that will certainly bless the person who opens and reads it.  Several weeks ago, I had been alerted by a dear friend and mentor of an opportunity to do a review for DaySpring.  At the time, I thought how cool to get some free stuff in the process.  However, when I got the cards, I was amazed at the beauty of them and the sweet words and scripture that were written on them.  As I was reading through them, different people came to my mind as to who would get each one.  This may sound a little hokey, but that is how the Lord has done it in the past, and I am sad to say....I had not heard Him speak to me like this in a VERY long time!  

I'm learning that we can get so FOCUSED on our life, that we have tunnel vision, and we can not see the hurting, suffering and needy people around us.  What good is it to the Lord, if we are so stuck right where we are that we can't be his feet, hands or loving voice to the lost and hurting world or a brother or sister in despair.  I am the chief sinner in this area, and the Lord has begun to show me the time I have lost and how He wants me to broaden my view to see what is going on around me.  

I am encouraged to see what will happen and what He will do.  Maybe I wont ever see the fruit on this earth, but knowing I am following the still small voice that leads and guides me is ENOUGH for me!

What are your gifts?  How do you encourage others?


*The pictures are of several of the "So True" series of cards that I was sent at no cost by Dayspring to give an honest review.  Stay tuned for part 2 of my review!


Unknown said...

Hi Denise!
Ok...small world. I was checking out a site about a training Bible and then saw a comment with a picture of a woman that I thought might go to my church and there you were! Do you go to Cornerstone Church ? My name is Rachel and I work at the registration table! ;)
I still can't believe it!

Denise said...

Yes, Rachel I do go to Cornerstone. My sons are David (6) and Jesse (14). Haven't written on my blog in many months. Just now reading your comment. :(