"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, it there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things." Phil 4:8

July 10, 2011

Molly Saves in the Nursery

Molly’s Money Saving Digest for July is all about saving in the nursery.  While I don’t have a baby anymore… (Sigh), I just found out that several ladies in my life are going to have newborns in the next 6 months (smile).  I’m so excited to meet these little bundles and it is so fun to have these great money saving ideas to use in preparing for their arrival.  This digest isn’t just for new Moms, but all those mothers, aunts, grandmothers and friends who are going to be celebrating the new arrivals in their life.  
Having a baby can be so expensive, and I personally believe, after having two, we parents really just need the basics.  Some of the topics she covers in this issue are:
·    Great organizing tips and projects
·   “DIY” projects for making the furniture you need or repurposing something you already have to meet your needs. 
·    Cloth diapers: the article describes cloth diapers in detail and gives you the pros and cons of each type so you can make an educated decision.
·    Recipes for homemade wipes.
·    Making a child’s lap desk out of “Nursery cast-offs”
·    Review of the book “Baby and Toddler Meals for Dummies
·    Blender basics
·    5 Moms share frugal decorating tips for the nursery.
I would have loved the “fold away changing table” link she has provided, because our home has very limited space.  We used a dresser top for our changing table and just had to get the changing pad to sit on top.  It worked great and we were able to store all the necessities in the drawers and had ample space to make that task manageable. If you can sew, crochet or knit, there are some links to great projects you can make for the baby.  She also includes many great ideas for blessing “Mom”.  After the baby arrives, it is a very hectic time getting use to the new baby and trying to function on little sleep. 
Molly introduces KerryAnn Foster of Cooking Traditional Foods who will be providing the Meal of the Month section of the digest.  She has great recipes and she specializes in traditional food recipes with changes that can be made for families who have to allow for food allergies and intolerances.  This is great for our family! Her recipes this month would be great to make and take to a family who has a newborn, so they can have a warm home cooked meal.
In this month’s digest you get all this great information on Saving in the Nursery along with all her regular features: Pet Care for Pennies, Tightwad Training Camp, Forms, Printables and Links.  The Molly Money Saving Digests are very reasonable and you can get a lot of frugal ideas for only $3.95 a month.  To find out more, jump over to Econobusters and sign up today. 

* I was provided the Molly Money Saving Digest in exchange for my personal and honest review. 

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