"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, it there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things." Phil 4:8

June 6, 2011

Prayer warriors wanted

 When I think or myself, "prayer warrior" is not one of the descriptions that comes to mind.  However, I try to bring things, whether for me or for someone else before the Lord.  Yet, I desire for a more structured prayer life.  I want more than just shooting up a prayer when someone asks me to pray for them. I desire to see the faithfulness of the Lord as He responds or answers my requests.  Oh, I have prayed and talked with the Lord, and have seen Him answer in miraculous ways, but wouldn't it be awesome to have prayers topics written out and the answer recorded as a testimony to the faithfulness of our Lord and Savior.  He does hear us and He answers our call. (Psalm 34:17)

Years ago, I went to a women's meeting with my sister-n-law and we heard a wonderful spirit-filled woman of God share with us how to create a prayer journal.  We made a small three ring binder that had the following sections:

1. Meditation on the Scriptures (what has God shown you through your meditation of the scripture)
2. Praise and Thanksgiving
3. Intercession (Divided into the following subsections)
    a. Marriage
    b. Family
    c. Friends/Neighbors
    d. Missionaries/Church
    e. Our Country
4. Personal Petitions
5. Repentance and Forgiveness Prayers

I've taken it out and used it at various times throughout the years, but today I am updating it so that I can use it to keep me focused in my communication with Him.  It is just a tool, and there is no magic about it, but when you journal you capture those moments, feelings or prayers.  When I have looked back in my journals and read the scriptures, thoughts, lessons and prayers, that I wrote down, I have seen the progression of what the Lord was doing in my life and even sometimes in the others whom I have prayed for.  It has been a great reminder of the Lord's faithfulness!

All of this will prepare me for the new challenge that I am embarking on this week.  I have committed to join with Brooke McGlothlin of  Warrior Prayers and many other Mothers around the globe as we pray for our sons in specific ways over the next 21 days beginning on June 8th.  I will be leading my readers over the next 21 days in this challenge and I will be adding a special focus for our "special" boys who struggle with various disabilities and learning challenges. 

I want to encourage you to join in this prayer challenge no matter what the age of your son is.  Even adult sons need the fervent prayers of their mothers.  Let us flood the gates of Gods Throne Room with our praises to Him and our prayers for our sons and then wait for His response! To God be all the Glory!


Brenda said...

I look forward to following your blog for the next 21 days...and beyond.

Denise said...

Glad to have you Brenda!

morningglorycat said...

This item caught my attention as a great idea when you posted it before but I didn't sign-up because I'm not a mom. This time I'm in anyway.

Auntie Kathryn

Vilisi said...

Thanks for this. I'm late but I'm
in !!! I have a son.