"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, it there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy meditate on these things." Phil 4:8

April 11, 2011

"Heart and Home Clean Sweep"-Day 1

This week, I am participating in the "Heart and Home Clean Sweep" put together by Esther at "Our Simple Country Home" Blog.

The Home: Kitchen/Dining Area:
This is my clean sweep of my kitchen.  I wasn't able to get to the pantry, because I started late in the day and continued into the evening.  However, I am pleased with the change that was made in my kitchen.  I hope to be able to keep my kitchen neat and clean like it is, at this very moment.

Before Pictures


This is how I want my kitchen to look everyday.

The Heart:
I love the message in Esther's blog at "Our Simple Country Home". As she mentioned the passage in Galatians, I kept thinking about the fruit of the spirit again (note:yesterdays post was on that same passage..hmm thinkk the Lord is telling me something?...I think so).  It is such a key to our lives, and how much happier we would be if we lived that way instead of in the sinfulness of our flesh. 

As I thought about the first fruit that is listed in Galatians which is "Love", I remembered that phrase people say "an apple a day keeps the Dr. away".  I thought of an alternate phrase for the believer, "Loving each day keeps satan away".  If we are living and walking in Christ we will be exhibiting the fruit of the spirit, it is just the by product of our life in Christ. 

The enemy of our souls can not destroy us, because we are in the hands of the Living God.  Satan can try and slip us up, cause tragedy in our lives and make our circumstances seem impossible, but if we are truly "in Christ", we will be able to stand against his schemes and continue on in Love no matter what. Oh, how I desire this in my life!


Graced Simplicity said...


Thanks for joining the Heart & Home Challenge!

Beautiful job! It looks WONDERFUL! Lovely little kitchen, too. :0)

Thanks you, for sharing how the Lord has worked on your heart. Beautifully stated and so very true. Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us.

Much Love & Blessings,
Our Simple Country Life

Dawnmarie said...

First of all, your kitchen looks beautiful!

Second, this looks like a neat challenge. I feel like I am forever falling behind on our home, and when it gets clean, for some reason, it does not stay that way.

Third, I like your version of an apple a day. ::wink::