September is here, and it is back to school for the kids, and families are getting back into their routines. The schedules are getting full with various activities and it will take more effort to gather together as a family. This issue of Molly’s Money Saving Digest is all about the Family Room. It’s the room where we all spend time together. In this issue, there are some great ideas for everyone, but my absolute favorite is the Tightwad Training Camp.
Each month, I flip forward to this section of the newsletter to see what Molly has to help us in teaching our kids about “how to manage” money. This is a priority for me and my husband, because we are always looking for ways to help our boys understand that money doesn’t grow on trees and sometimes you have to sacrifice “wants” to supply for your needs. This is something that is hard to convey to them in this era of “entitlement”. I think just this section is worth the monthly cost* for the Molly digest because the information is great! This month it is all about budgeting your “Fun Money”. There are great tips for everyone in this section, not just the kids. My favorite is how to save by making your own iced coffee at home.
There are other great features this month:
· Décor & More: How to repurpose and reuse old items and make them into something new.
· Great Book Review: The Reluctant Entertainer by Sandy Coughlin
· Creating Frugal Family Traditions
· Great Recipes in both the Begin with the Basics section and Meal of the Month.
I can’t wait to try the “Honey Lime Chicken” recipe featured in the Meal of the Month section. I’m always looking for another way to cook chicken!
I hope this review was helpful to you and encourages you to check out this months Molly Digest, or better yet try a Molly Membership for the next year. Whatever you do this month, make sure you set aside time to get together as a family and come up with a fun new tradition together!
*Purchase Molly Saves in the Family Room for $4.95 or Sign up as a Molly Member and get each issue for $3.95 per month.
* I was provided the Molly Money Saving Digest in exchange for my personal and honest review.